Xtreme Fat Loss Diet by Joel Marion Review + Bonus

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Common mistakes when doing exercises

With an effort to lose weight in a short time, many have rushed headlong into exercises without considering any instructions and advices. Some of them succeeded, meanwhile the others fail to lose any pounds, or even gain more weight! So what are the reasons? They waste such a long time on workout, and see what they get back? Let’s figure out  common mistakes that people often make when doing exercises with the hope to keep fit.
1 – Wrong type of exercise
Not all exercises that we involve in take us to the same destination. Some help us burn more fat in the middle section, some have positive effects on the metabolism, and some even give us a more muscular look! So be careful on choosing the right type of exercise before taking up. And remember that what worked with your friends, your relatives sometimes do not work well with you. Have a professional trainer with you and follow strictly what is recommended.
2 – Using incorrect form or technique
Some people even get worse health or face up with health problems after a certain time doing exercises. It was until their trainer figures out the reasons did they stop. We can choose the right exercises to involve in, but how we perform those exercises also have great impacts on the results. For example, if we do the abdominal exercise in the wrong way, we may cause harm to our kidney!
3 –  Underestimating eating habits
Just imagine when you spend all your spare time on workouts but after that,  you eat more than usual, so can you guess the result? Actually, by doing that, you cannot lose even a pound but more seriously, gain more and more weight. The amount of calories burned by workouts is so small in comparison with which is consumed afterwards. Advices for you are eating lean proteins, vegetables, fruits,  whole grains and eat the right amount of calories to achieve your goals.

4 –  Poor goal setting
Without setting a certain goal for yourself, you will find it difficult to lose weight effectively. Unrealistic or vague goals can contribute to exercise dropout. The key is to establish a training goal that is specific and appropriate for your fitness and skill levels. Try to define challenging but not impossible goals.

5 –  Lack of Diversity
This might sound like a contradiction to the previous point about variety, but getting stronger requires repetition so don't change your routine every workout. For example, if you reach a new level with a target muscle and then switch to another muscle entirely for too long a period of time, you begin to lose the first gains you made.
One way to strike a good balance between diversity and continuity is to change half of your exercises every 4 weeks. Also be sure to regularly utilize complex exercises which use multiple joints such as rowing, squats, deadlifts and lunges to maintain the levels attained.
Don't let those muscles forget and remember that it is easier to maintain them than to rebuild them!
6 – Lack of combination among different types of workout.
People tend to perform isolation exercises that only work one or a few muscles. Compound exercises are exercises that work the large muscle groups and multiple muscle groups at the same time.
Compound exercises are more effective and functional. They use more energy and boost your metabolism greater than isolation exercises. You get more bangs for your buck! Examples of compound exercises are bench press, shoulder press, squats, lunges, etc… Examples of isolation exercises are inner & outer thigh, biceps and triceps exercises, chest flys, etc.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Xtreme fat loss diet

While you are considering which diet package to choose, in order to obtain your losing weight goal, we highly recommend Xtreme fat loss diet by Joel Marion. Maybe many of you have been familiar with the name Joel Marion. He is actually a well known nutrition expert and also the author of many keeping fit books. Joel also has been listed among America’s Top 50 Personal Trainers. Therefore, Xtreme fat loss diet is really worth purchasing and following.

In this program, the author sets up a schedule for 25 days to help you lose the greatest amount of fat. In those 25 days, the circle of five days with five different diets is repeated. The following information will give you a closer look into each circle:
1. Cheat day: Density training day
This is the day when you are free to enjoy such fat foods as pizza and ice cream. Amazingly, this can help you boost your leptin levels, encourage fat burning process and maintain your metabolism as well.

2. Shake day: Strength Training Day
On the shake day, the author advocates strength training effort in order to maintain your lean muscle.

3. Fast day
On this day, your leptin levels may be soaring. That is really the wonderful time for you to get rid of fat. Since your leptin levels were raised in cheating day, your metabolism will not slow down. This time, you can burn a great amount of fat without worrying about the calorie inside your stomach because the food you ate in the cheat day will help you.

4. Dynamic training day
After two days having low calories, this is the time for you to enjoy more food and spare energy for the next step. The diet set up by the author contains 30% fat, 30% protein. These proportions is calculated carefully to make sure that you can have enough calories to perform until the final part of the program but will not allow any fat be redundant in your body.

5. Protein-only depletion day
The aim of this day is to reduce the energy, in other words, to make way for the cheat day coming on the next day. This day can help you lose a large amount of fat.

As you can see from the brief information above, Joel has built up a very scientific and strict schedule to get rid of fat. Each day, you have different goals and thus, you have to go through different steps. This may be an advantage for you – dieters because you will not get bored with the program. Diets and exercises are used alternately, so you will not have to starve yourself, which is a nightmare and a great obstacle for most dieters.

There is a fact that most keeping fit program nowadays tend to ruin your metabolism. It means that you may lose some weight during the schedule, but when you stop, you will certainly regain your weight. And then, all your effort goes to nowhere. Xtreme fat loss diet is totally different. Following strict steps as guided in this program, you can be really assured. The fear of being overweight after dieting period is no more of your concern!

Spend only 25 days, you can find yourself fitter, healthier and more confident. It is not something difficult or out of your reach. You can try and enjoy yourself. For more specific information, please visit our website.